So, Nadine Coyle has decided to keep up the momentum on her

assault on the media, as the news emerged today that

she has apparently ditched footballer boyfriend, Jason Bell, to focus on her career and that elusive solo album. That's it on the Nadine front - still no sign of the actual music - but Celebritree is sure she will keep us all captivated as she drip feeds us details of her eagerly anticipated solo music and her heart-breaking split. (Do any Celebritree readers have the feeling that her face looks stuck onto someone else's body in this photo?!)
Meanwhile, fellow GA-er and old hand at media manipulation, Chezza, showed that she's well on the road to recovery and doesn't look to be facing the relapse the media were fearing. She and Derek headed out for a spot of retail therapy - Cheryl bought herself some sensible Nike Airs - perhaps she needs a break from her heels? She has also been out to the cinema with Derek, to see Angelina's new movie,
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