Now, Celebritree is not usually one to stick up for Katie Price and her media rants, but on this occasion, Celebritree actually feels a wee bit sorry for Katie. There has been huge furore after controversial comedian, Frankie Boyle (who Celebritree had the misfortune to see live once - he's not funny and he can't take a bit of heckling as he stormed off after about 2 minutes) made a highly inappropriate joke about her and Harvey on his Channel 4 show.
Apparently the joke started that she and Peter Andre were still in court battling to avoid custody of Harvey and then descended into sexual innuendo. Amazingly (and Celebritree doesn't want to come over all Daily Mail reader here), despite Ofcom complaints, Channel 4 didn't deem this unsuitable material and broadcast it again.
Katie is demanding an apology. Celebritree can't see Frankie Boyle giving her one...
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