The theme for Brian's party was 'B' (presumably because of his first initial, as Celebritree feels it maybe should have been Z) and Brian dressed up as Buddy Holly whilst Delta scrubbed up well as 'Band Leader Barbie'.
It was a double celebration as Brian's new single has hit #1 in the Australian iTunes chart (hmm, Australia sends the UK Jason and Kylie, we send them Brian McFadden - life's just not fair, is it?!) Apparently his new album features heavy use of auto-tune, but Brian has defended this, whilst using it to slate Victoria Beckham: "Victoria Beckham was a bit of a fan of auto-tune for different reasons from mine. It wasn't really an effect with her. It was more like: 'What are we going to do with this turd that's coming out of your mouth? We're going to have to auto-tune it, there's no other options'."
Put those claws away Brian!
Now I don't mind Bri as it happens (and his taste in women has certainly improved) but he is on shaky ground knocking Skeletor. Whilst I agree with his sentiments, I don't think a training in Pondlife gives him any platform from which to pour scorn on others' singing abilities. Just because you can wear knitwear and warble whilst sitting on a stool does not Susan Boyle make. Thankfully...