Celebritree is VERY excited about the release of the second Sex and the City movie next month. The trailer suggests that this next saga in the lives of the girls is not going to disappoint fans. However, as usual there have been rumours flying that there are serious rifts between the starring ladies - not helped by the fact that Kim Cattrall has been treading the boards in London whilst the others have already started on the promo trail.
The latest is that the final billboards promoting the movie only feature Carrie so the other girls are apparently all put out, feeling that Sarah Jessica is taking advantage of her role as producer to make the film all about her. Still Chris Noth is sticking up for SJP and is apparently sick of Kim's drama queen antics. He bitches, "All actresses have someone working for them called a 'vanity person'. Their job is to make sure you look good at all times during filming. Most normal actors only have one person doing this job. But on Sex and the City all the stars had two. Except Kim, who had three."
The SATC promo poster isn't the only advertising controversy surrounding SJP right now. Apparently the ads for her new perfume have had to be airbrushed - but, unusually, these have been airbrushed to put weight ON the actress. At 5'3", the already slim actress apparently now weighs just 6 1/2 stone, as worries about aging and an obsessive gym habit take their toll.
Celebritree suggest that SJP head down to New York's Comfort Diner for a good filling brunch!
Love - it's all very well fueding with 'don't do that' Kim Cattrell - but she'll have no fighting weight left soon. Eat something woman - or you won't be able to lift the full array of ridiculous accessories Pat Field insists on dumping on yer...