Now Britney's been out doing what Britney does best (apart from singing, dancing and eating junk food) - shopping and looking a bit of a mess. Clearly she wasn't very pleased with her outfit either, as she decided to change into her new rigout before leaving the shop, not even stopping to remove the tags.
Celebritree is wondering if Britney is sporting the ultimate in paradox dressing: thin vest on top and yet opaque tights and big boots on the bottom half. Aren't her legs and feet awfully hot? Or her arms very chilly? Let's hope this trend doesn't catch on!

During the shopping trip, Britney was spotted clutching her tummy several times. Could this mean that we can look forward to another little Spearsette or was it just a case of some trapped wind?
I think Celebritree might be barking up the wrong tree by trying to see sense in Britters' fashion choices. She's hardly the type to lay to all on the bed to see if it goes first is she? Most of her outfits are paradoxes - whatever next? Sleeveless polo necks?!