Poor Jude Law has apparently been trying to get his ex-wife/mother of his 3 children, Sadie Frost, to sit down and have a crisis meeting with his soon to be new wife, Sienna Miller. Apparently Sienna and Jude spent the weekend making plans for their summer wedding with his parents at their home in he Loire valley (seems like EVERY celeb seems to be wedding planning at the moment). They are keen to involve Jude and Sadie's children, with Rafferty set to be best man, Rudy to be a page boy and Iris to be a bridesmaid. However, Sadie doesn't seem thrilled about the prospect and relations between the two women have reached a new all time low, after Sienna allegedly got Rudy's lovely curls cut at the weekend. Furious Sadie apparently tweeted, the highly articlate,‘I think ya should get ya own child and then cut their hair!’ Of course, regular Celebritree readers will know that getting a child's hair cut when they are in your care is a high risk strategy indeed - Katie Price went ballistic when Peter got Princess's hair trimmed...
Now it seems Sadie has told Jude not to bring Sienna/evil stepmother along to Iris's ballet recital (which Kate Moss's daughter, Lila Rose is also participating in). Uh oh, Sienna - don't risk the wrath of the Primrose Hill Posse again...
Blimey - old bags at dawn. It could have been worse Sades, Sienna could have made her looks like Princess Tia'amii...