Poor Katie Price! Her perfume has just been removed from the shelves of Superdrug when it emerges that the workers in the factories are being paid less than the minimum wage. On top of that, Katie's wedding worries are mounting. She had hoped for an event that would be worth even more than her 2005 wedding to Peter Andre, which was described as the celeb 'event of the year' with celebrity bridesmaids and guests. She had hoped to have 15 bridesmaids this time, but apparently hasn't been able to find 15 celebrity friends to fill the roles - especially as most of the bridesmaids from her last wedding are no longer speaking to her. At the moment, she has recruited daughter, Princess, her sister and Emma B and Michelle Heaton. The guest list is also problematic as celebs are generally avoiding any association with Katie as her star seems to have fallen. She has taken to inviting celebs via Facebook (rumoured to include Keisha Buchanan from the Sugababes and Davina McCall. But she seriously needs to bump up the numbers as the wedding will need to be a highlight of the next series of
What Katie Did Next. At this rate she'll need to invite people as desperate as her for publicity - such as Pete.
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