However, the major challenge for Victoria's willpower will apparently be Wednesday nights - which are her and David's "date nights". Victoria has said that this ritual is all part of keeping the romance alive, when generally they go out and get drunk, unless David persuades her to go for a couple's massage instead. Looks like Posh will be getting a lot of massages in 2011 if she is going to stick to her resolution...
Thursday, 30 December 2010
However, the major challenge for Victoria's willpower will apparently be Wednesday nights - which are her and David's "date nights". Victoria has said that this ritual is all part of keeping the romance alive, when generally they go out and get drunk, unless David persuades her to go for a couple's massage instead. Looks like Posh will be getting a lot of massages in 2011 if she is going to stick to her resolution...
A secret wedding...
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
The end is nigh?
All of this has led bookies to shorten odds on a Price-Reid split in 2011 to 7-4. The only doubt in anyone's mind seems to be whether they will actually make it to the new year. Perhaps that's why Katie has gone away - to give them a hope of making it to Jan 1st...
The Beckhams head back to LA
The question on everyone's lips is whether Becks will be named in the Queen's New Year Honours list. Will Posh be Lady Beckham by the time she next returns to Blighty?
Take That Chillax in Barbados
One notable absentee from the Take That gathering is Robbie Williams, said to be back in LA with his new wife, Ayda. Could it be that the boys' recovered friendship has rather more basis in Robbie's need to revive his career, after a severe dip in his popularity/record sales/income than genuine forgiveness and friendship? Or is Celebritree just being a little cynical?
Ayda Field,
Howard Donald,
Mark Owen,
Robbie Williams
Spice fashion
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Celebrity Christmas Babies and Engagements
Today Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, have announced that they are proud fathers to Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John, who was born to a surrogate in California, also on Christmas Day. Nobody is saying who the father is...
Hmm, when will a celeb give their child a normal name?
Well, Natalie Portman might... She announced that is engaged and pregnant - all in one go. Meanwhile happy tweets from Indonesia as the love of Lily Allen's life proposed to her, and she joyfully accepted. After all the recent trauma of her miscarriage, Celebritree is pleased Lily has a happy ending to her 2010.
Friday, 24 December 2010
Celebrating Christmas with the Beckhams
Here the couple are pictured leaving the Ramseys' Christmas party on Wednesday evening. Victoria has also had the chance to catch up with her fellow Spice Girls as the girls got together for dinner chez Posh the other evening.
Celebritree understands that Victoria will be making sure her brood eat well on Christmas Day as they apparently plan to spend the day with the Ramseys again - no doubt Gordon will be doing the cooking and Posh and Becks will just help out with the washing up!
Cruz Beckham,
David Beckham,
Gordon Ramsey,
Victoria Beckham
Last minute Christmas shopping
Monday, 20 December 2010
Celebrity of 2010
As Dannii Minogue is awarded Metro's Celeb of the Year, Celebritree asks readers, "who should be Celebritree's Celebrity of 2010?"
Nominations to
Nominations to
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Suri and Katie get into Christmas spirit
Lifetime Achievement Award
It seems that, like the Jolie-Pitts, the Beckhams are all sorted with their Christmas shopping. Victoria has bought David some gold-plated headphones, whilst he has picked up an iPod case studded with Swarovski diamonds. So that's what you buy for the couple who has it all.
Katie's Rivals in Love - the Sugababes?!
What is it with Katie's exes and members of that band? Just this week rumours have started up about Peter Andre and former Sugababe, Kesha Buchanan. Whatever next? Will Heidi be hooking up with Dane Bowers? Will Mutya get it on with Dwight Yorke? Hmm, well time will tell...
Alex Reid,
Amelle Berrabah,
Katie Price,
Kesha Buchanan,
Peter Andre,
The Jolie-Pitts' Christmas Adventure
A new playmate for Ash?
Dancing on Thin Ice?
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
X Factor backstage
On the Girls Aloud front, Nadine's lack of success hasn't put off the girls - Kimberley is guest vocalling on Aggro Santos's new single (the one nobody knew from I'm a Celeb) and planning to release an album in the new year and Nicola is planning to take a break from fashion and make up (hmm probably best based on this photo) and work on some solo material too. So it really doesn't look as though Girls Aloud will be reuniting any time soon...
Elsewhere, it seems Konnie Huq has been fired from X Factor and top tips to replace her include Kimberley and Christine Bleakley...
Blondes have more fun?
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Katie Lashes Out
Apparently the joke started that she and Peter Andre were still in court battling to avoid custody of Harvey and then descended into sexual innuendo. Amazingly (and Celebritree doesn't want to come over all Daily Mail reader here), despite Ofcom complaints, Channel 4 didn't deem this unsuitable material and broadcast it again.
Katie is demanding an apology. Celebritree can't see Frankie Boyle giving her one...
Cher Lloyd leaves X Factor with a bang
Seemingly it was a different story backstage, as she threw another of her infamous tantrums, claiming that she didn't "give a f***" as she would be the biggest thing ever to come out of X factor anyway and that she knew they'd all hated her from the beginning, but with Cheryl's support, she's sure she'll make it big.
So, as the nation awaits to see who will make it to be Champion this year, former X Factor winner, Steve is playing to Cafe Neros around the country - audiences of about 20 people! Still, Celebritree assumes that that still beats his previous job, as bin man. Steve claims that Lord Cowell offered him £12,500 to go away, and that he wasn't supported in his career at all. The £1million record deal one off for the winner is a sham, allegedly, as he received nothing like that, and, in fact, 16 acts have been signed during 6 years of X Factor shows. Errr, but how many of them can anyone actually name a year or so later...?!
So, will Cher make it big? Or will Cheryl head off to the States with Derek, and Lord Cowell (ooh, and mum carrying her luggage five paces behind) or will she stand by her mini-me and help her hit the big time? Only time will tell...
Does anyone actually care who wins?!
Cher Lloyd,
Cheryl Cole,
Derek Hough,
Simon Cowell,
Steve Brookstein,
Liz Hurley and Australia's Great Lost Hope
Hmm, Celebritree assumes there are easier ways to carry on a long-distance relationship than via public domain, Twitter!
Monday, 6 December 2010
The Big Chill hits LA?
As much of Britain continues to suffer from "the big freeze", it looks
like wearing some warm outerwear. It seems VB has invested in this season's essential item - a cape.

Celebritree would be pleased to see Victoria dressing appropriately for the season, if I weren't so concerned that she must be getting very chilly forearms...
Victoria, before you come back to Blighty, Celebritree reckons that you it must be getting a tad parky over in California, as Victoria Beckham has actually been spotted should invest in some winter woollens, or at least a long pair of gloves....
Victoria, before you come back to Blighty, Celebritree reckons that you it must be getting a tad parky over in California, as Victoria Beckham has actually been spotted should invest in some winter woollens, or at least a long pair of gloves....
The Plot Thickens

Interesting also that for the first time, there are to be four acts in this year's final. Some had suggested that the bottom two acts would both go out last night, in order to reduce to a final three. Clearly, that was rethought too.
Cheryl looked to be showing the strain as she left the studio last night.
Whatever happens, Cher looks set to be the big winner of this year's X Factor as rumour has it that she is set to sign a $2 million record deal and her first album will feature a duet with her idol, Cheryl.
Cher Lloyd,
Cheryl Cole,
Mary Byrne,
Simon Cowell
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Cheryl lets her hair down
Cheryl wasn't exactly attired for the freezing conditions, although it looks like some gentleman has offered his jacket to her as she headed home. Fergie was looking far more snug in a furry coat, that looked like it may have been borrowed from Sesame Street's Big Bird.
Injunction lifted
Lily Allen hits the town again
Hopefully Lily will start to feel more like her old cheery self sometime soon.
Brangelina - Christmas shopping
Cher's Lethal Weapon
It seems Cher's diva act had an encore last night after the show. Knowing that this week it is all down to the audience vote, with the judges apparently not having the power to save their favourites, Cher isn't feeling too confident of her dream to make the finals. This (so-called "shocking") photo shows Cher flipping out at one of the show's assistants as she brandishes a lethal weapon - or rather, a spoon, waving it in the long-suffering assistant's face.
All will be revealed this evening, so the wait is nearly over for poor Cher...
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Kate back in court
Comeback Queen
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Royal wedding excitement
However Celebritree is really excited now that the guest list is starting to emerge: apparently Elton and Macca are on the list, with Elton tipped to perform. Slightly more surprising and exciting is the invite for the Beckhams - apparently David and William got close during the World Cup so David texted his new mate as soon as he heard the good news about the engagement. A source has said that William texted straight back to tell David that he and Victoria are on the list.
Celebritree can't wait to see what Victoria wears. Hmm, maybe she could design Kate's dress.... What do you think Celebritree readers?
Phew! Pete's on the road to recovery
In another of those weird stories that could only happen to the Price-Andre clan, Katie has spoken out about the case of the missing camera - allegedly stolen from Pete's house in August. She claims that Harvey took it (by mistake presumably - Celebritree assumes Harvey hasn't become some kind of clepto) and she will happily replace it. Finding it at her house, Katie checked the photos and discovered some of Pete's brother, Michael, having hair transplants. Being Katie, she made sure to tweet about the offending pics immediately. Mind you, if you want to have secret hair transplants, probably best to avoid photographic evidence.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Suri keen for stardom
Still, Katie is said to be concerned that her daughter is growing up too soon. Err, shouldn't you have thought of that before you started dressing her in heels and lip gloss...?
Jada Pinkett,
Katie Holmes,
Suri Cruise,
Tom Cruise,
Will Smith,
Willow Smith
Pete rushed to hospital
CAN did indeed release a statement confirming Katie's tweet and highlighting the necessity to make a press release to inform his devoted fans of the delay to his tour.
Celebritree just hopes it's nothing serious and that Pete can hit the tour trail again soon!
Monday, 22 November 2010
Eva and Tony split latest
Thankfully, Eva has some great friends, who are proving a tower of strength, such as Victoria Beckham. Victoria's shoulders must be very damp with tears, with her offering both Eva and Tana Ramsey a shoulder to cry on...
Eva Longoria,
Tana Ramsey,
Tony Parker,
Victoria Beckham
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Partying with Pete
Meanwhile, Pete is making big plans for his forthcoming tour - apparently he has devised a routine that involves 5 year old Junior joining him on stage. No doubt Katie will be thrilled!
Amy Childs,
Claire Powell,
Katie Price,
Kerry Katona,
Peter Andre
Poor Nadine
Another one bites the dust
They're lining up to knock the nation's sweetheart...
However, it seems the crazy Brazilian isn't the only one anxious to badmouth Chezza. It has emerged that designer, Julien McDonald, came up to Cheryl at Sarah Harding's Halloween party and told her that her red hair looked "s**t" before calling her a chav. Cheryl didn't take this lying down screeching, "f**k you! Didn't you hear me? I said f**k you!" thereby revealing her class, before her knight in shining armour, random celeb, Will Mellor, stepped in to defend her honour. She then hit the dance floor to indulge in some provocative dance routines with Nicola from Girls Aloud. (Celebritree imagines that Will Mellor was disappointed not to be involved in that!)
Nobody really knows what got Julien's goat - he used to dress Cheryl (I.e. Provide her with fancy frocks to wear, rather than helping her squeeze into bandage leggings and the like) but it seems pretty unlikely she'll be stepping out in any of his gear again...
Cheryl Cole,
Julien McDonald,
Nicola Roberts,
Sarah Harding,
Will Mellor
New Strictly romance?
Strictly is turning into a hotbed of romance: aside from Flavia's two dalliances, last year Joe Calzaghe left his long-term partner for dance partner, Christina Rihanoff and Ali Bastian got together with her dance partner, Brian Fortuna (they split last month). One thing is for sure: Anton is certainly not in danger of getting any romance with Big Bird/Anne Widdecombe!
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Girls Aloud - rapprochement?
Posh is in town
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Nadine flops
Bye bye Bingles
Alex doesn't know if this is a general micro pig problem or if they just got unlucky with Bingles...
Alex Reid,
Katie Price,
These boots are made for...?!
More bad news for Katie: the incident last month when she hit a person whilst on her mobile en route to see Michelle Heaton in a play may result in a 2 year custodial sentence! At the least, Katie can probably expect to lose her licence - she already has 7 points. Surely something must be done: it's just a matter of time before she sends her 4x4 crashing into a Snappy Snaps...
Cheryl's busy week
All this jet setting has taken its toll as on last night's X Factor, Simon accused her of being a lazy mentor, and today's tabloids claimed her protégées have been feeling abandoned, without even having a number to call on Cheryl for advice. Still, apparently she did find time to read the riot act to Cher, her alleged favourite, who had smuggled a bottle of vodka into her room, flouting the no alcohol rules and the fact she is underage. Still, Celebritree supposes she has to get her calories somewhere....
Cher Lloyd,
Cheryl Cole,
Derek Hough,
Simon Cowell
Skater Boys
Brooklyn and Cruz showed off their skating boarding skills at Brentwood yesterday as mum looked on from the car, nervously biting her nails. No doubt Victoria's chosen outfit wasn't street enough for the skating scene. Romeo was nowhere to be seen - perhaps he was at home concentrating on his sunglasses designs. David confirmed this week that the family are planning to stay in the US for the foreseeable future, and may even become US citizens one day...
Best dressed
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Nadine's much anticipated and much promoted single
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Diet secrets of the stars
Kylie Minogue has recently dropped a dress size as she attempts to conquer America. Obviously she had quite a few spare pounds to lose... So what's her secret? An extreme water diet - involving just one low calorie meal per day and then keeping her appetite at bay with water flavoured with fresh lemon or lime. Hmm, sounds delicious. Oh, and when she fancies a treat, Kyles freezes her citrus water into ice cubes - apparently it makes her feel like she's enjoying an ice lolly.
Meanwhile, Nadine, who is often in the press for her skinny figure, has revealed she loves fry-ups and chocolate (presumably not on the same plate) and would love to have her own cookery show to demonstrate just how much she loves her food.
Perhaps they could both take some advice from Pamela Stephenson who has lost 2 stone on the Strictly Come Dancing hard core training regime. Probably slightly healthier than sucking ice cubes...
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