Monday, 31 May 2010
Brangelina back in the USA
Bank Holiday Outing for the Reid-Prices
Rumour has it that the couple are rowing as the pressure of fertility treatment takes its toll. Ever sympathetic and understanding, Katie has told Alex, "I've had loads of babies in the past. This is your problem, not mine." Apparently she is furious as she has discovered that Alex had tried to have a baby with a previous girlfriend and that their attempts had also ended in frustration. She can't believe that she told the world they were about to get pregnant, when her man has a low sperm count. Celebritree wonders whether this will have taught Katie a lesson about keeping her own counsel on personal matters...!
Good news from Celine Dion
Miley Cyrus struggles to stay upright
Hmm, Miley Cyrus has a new pair of sky-high Louboutins.
Unfortunately nobody seems to have taught the young star how to walk in them and she struggled on some steps in Madrid. Celebritree feels that Miley should turn to another celebrity heel wearer for a few tips - surely VB can provide some insight in how to stay upright whatever challenges face you in heels? Failing that, Celebritree is sure that that other young heel-wearer, Suri Cruise, could offer a tip - if all else fails, perhaps Miley should get dad, Billy Ray, to carry her...
Billy Ray Cyrus,
Miley Cyrus,
Suri Cruise,
Victoria Beckham
Kerry shopping with her new man
Charlotte and Gavin - another celebrity coupling bites the dust
Gavin has decided to avoid the press fracas by going off on a lads' holiday in Benidorm, having just returned from filming in Norway, and another lads' holiday in LA. Meanwhile, Charlotte was being comforted by her mum and ventured out to take their kids, Ruby and Dexter, to McDonald's - cutting a rather sad figure.
'Friends' close to the couple say that the split isn't entirely unexpected as the couple had been rowing continuously over the last 18 months or so. Whilst Charlotte has slimmed down and focused on her career, Gavin's career seems to have been on the slide - so that he is now appearing on reality shows with Susie Amy and Shane Ritchie.
Cheryl and Derek at the O2
Cheryl Cole,
Derek Hough,
Nicole Scherzinger,
Friday, 28 May 2010
Jenson Button back on the market
Good news for single girls - foxy Jenson Button is back on the
market after ditching his dediated model girlfriend, Jessica Michibato. Although he had mentioned a potential engagement in the occasional interview, seems Jenson just wasn't committed enough to the girl who followed him around the world, patiently waiting at the finish line at every Grand Prix.
Oh well, Jessica's loss is some other lucky girl's gain, although Celebritree imagines that Jenson may well be returning to his playboy ways (that followed the break up of his engagement from Fame Academy contestant, Louise Griffiths, 3 months before their wedding).

Oh well, Jessica's loss is some other lucky girl's gain, although Celebritree imagines that Jenson may well be returning to his playboy ways (that followed the break up of his engagement from Fame Academy contestant, Louise Griffiths, 3 months before their wedding).
Jenson Button,
Jessica Michibato,
Louise Griffiths
Alex and Katie go to the ball

Thankfully they were invited to the Give a Child a Life ball last night. Katie showed off her legs, but unusually chose to cover up on top - not sure that a fur jacket was really necessary though - it is rather mild in London at the mo.
Celebritree is wondering whether Katie ever looks at the weather forecast before deciding on her wardrobe choices for the day...
Nadine stands up for Coyle-ostomy
Nadine Coyle of Girls Aloud has found a new way of filling h
er time as the world anxiously awaits her solo album (when, Nadine, when?). Yes, Nadine has agreed to become the face of colostomy bags! Apparently one of her friends has recently had an operation in January, meaning he has to use a colostomy bag for the rest of his life. Nadine is keen to "smash the taboo" surrounding colostomy bags, as she believes the "pretence of body perfection" makes it difficult for these people to feel sexy and confident. Well, it's certainly a more worthy way of getting in the papers than showing how thin you are or fighting with your bandmates.

SATC London Premiere

One person who definitely WASN'T a winner was Amanda Holden. What were you thinking Amanda? You look like an aging fairy from a Christmas tree. If you were trying to pay tribute to Carrie's tutu, Amanda, it went badly wrong...
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Happy birthday Shiloh!

Fergie in Strictly Shocker

No, rather it emerges that the DofY turned down a generous 5 figure fee to appear on the show, as she didn't seem keen to put in the gruelling training involved. (Can't say I blame her, she'd be sure to get palmed off with Anton Du Bek.) However, Celebritree is wondering how poor, broke Fergie could bring herself to turn down those spondoolies - although clearly introducing folks to her ex husband pays better...
Fergie is apparently going to put everything right with the American public (at least) by appearing on Oprah.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Celebrating their love
Jack and Chanelle have been doing what any D-list (do they qualify as D-li
st?) celebrities do when they find love - celebrating by telling OK magazine all the heart-warming minutiae of their romance.

So, Chanelle has revealed that she hasn't 'put out' for Jack yet. She just thinks that's vulgar when she's expecting another man's child. Jack proves just what a gent he is too, saying that he doesn't mind - after all, he went without for 6 months while in prison, so he's found ways to cope. Apparently Chanelle is a "great kisser" and "when you do feel a bit saucy you can always find some way of helping yourself". TMI Jack.
Jack has also said that he no longer sees Jade's children, as their father, Jeff Brazier, has refused to give him access, following Jack's various run-ins with the law. Jack, charming as ever, reckons that Jeff must be jealous of his relationship with Bobby and Freddie. Can't imagine why else Jeff might not want the boys having Jack as a role model...
The Cruise-Holmes Family dines out

At last

As per, all the papers seem to be lauding Cheryl as a heroine for dumping her hubby after 4 years of marriage. As the 'celebrity of the moment' and 'the nation's sweetheart', it seems everyone had an opinion on the Coles' marriage and various surveys showed Cheryl that she would lose a lot of respect from her fans if she didn't dump her love-rat husband.
Celebritree is rather hoping that Cheryl made her own decision...
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
VB Premieres her LG Ad
Suri Cruise back in shoes

Celebritree thinks that Suri and Shiloh-Nouvel Jolie-Pitt should swap wardrobes for a week. Just to see how they get on.
Another Premiere

Peter has also expressed his regret that he hasn't seen his step-son, Harvey, for 2 1/2 months. He tells in his magazine column that he hopes to see Harvey soon as he believes that he has finally met Katie's demands that he have a specialist dedicated nanny employed, who is qualified to deal with Harvey's various conditions.
Katie has previously played tough with Pete over access to his step-son. She refused to allow Harvey to appear in Pete's reality TV show, saying she wanted to keep her son away from the cameras (and
then relentlessly parading him in front of the camera on What Katie did Next).

If there are any Pete fans out there, they will be thrilled to know that as well as busily working on fragrances and his weekly column, Pete has a new chat show coming soon...
SATC Premieres in New York

The leading ladies all scrubbed up well for their big moment - SJP looked stunning in fluoro Valentino. However, for some reason, SJP and Kristin Davis decided to get
changed for the after-show party. Kristin changed from a fetching bright pink number to a sequinned cocktail dress. Inexplicably, SJP (if it weren't for the fab Valentino dress, Celebritree would think she had lost her fashion mojo) seemed to think the after-show was fancy dress. Why else would she be in that hideous witchy garb?

Celebritree excitedly awaits the movie...
Friday, 21 May 2010
Beckhams at the Skate Park

As they sat in th
e car, Victoria munched on a huge sarnie. This week we've discovered that not only does VB go to supermarkets, but she actually eats food too!

Anyway, in case any of you were thinking the Beckhams really are just a normal bunch, look closer at Coco's paws... Coco is wearing fake pink nails! Apparently this is not the Beckham boys showing their camp side and going crazy with mummy's nail polish, but rather a special doggy manicure that helps protect furniture from their sharp claws...
Ronan moves on and out
Katie Price launches baby range
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Katie's mate gets a break

Carry on in Cannes

Whilst clearly this new friendship is showing lots of promise, Celebritree thinks Cheryl might need to nurture some older friendships. It seems Sarah Harding, also in Cannes, didn't attend her bandmate's performance, preferring to hang out at Grace Jones's 62nd birthday party. Celebritree was somewhat surprised to learn that Sarah and Grace were clearly such big buddies...
TopShop new store

Top Shop designer, Kate Moss, was in a playsuit. Nobody seems to say whether it's from her new collection or not. But if Kate Moss looks rubbish in it, it's pretty safe to say, nobody else should even bother. Still judging from the photos of the end of the night, Kate doesn't look like it stopped her enjoying herself. Nor does she seem bothered by Courtney Love's latest (attention-seeking?) claims that the she had an affair with Kate in 90s. Yasmin Le Bon was wearing some shiny-looking leather piece, whilst Nicola Roberts' dress appeared to be unravelling. Daisy Lowe seemed to have come as a giant wearing huge heels and yet her dress still had a 4 foot train. Perhaps she should have passed some of the spare fabric to her mate, Jaime Winstone, who seemed to look slightly uncomfortable in a tiny bit of cream lace. Thank goodness for Kelly Brook, who managed to up the glamour contingent somewhat.
Strictly Rumours?
The BBC have apparently decided to up the ante in their recruiting
of celebs for this year's Strictly Come Dancing. Bruce still hasn't signed on the dotted line, apparently. However, rumour has it that Gary Lineker and his new wife, Danielle Bux (who is anxious to raise her profile as she'd like a TV presenting career - wouldn't we all, love?) are about to sign up for the show.
According to The Sun, Jonathan Ross's resignation from the Beeb has come as a blessing to Strictly fans - it gives the show a bigger budget and they have high hopes of recruiting some big name stars (not that WAG Danielle quite falls into that category).
Here are the others supposedly on the 'wanted' list:
Victoria Beckham - please do it Victoria! Can't see it though - she'd be more likely to do the US version...
Amy Winehouse - really?!
Chelsea Clinton - she'll be a newly-wed so seems unlikely.
Monica Lewinsky - what is she doing now?!
Kimberley Walsh - quite possible, especially with Nadine dragging her heels over Girls Aloud's reunion. (Where IS your solo album, Nadine?)
Patsy Kensit - unemployed, separated, has time on her hands.
Lembit Opik - unemployed, like Gary, probably has a partner "who wants to raise her profile" - highly likely!

According to The Sun, Jonathan Ross's resignation from the Beeb has come as a blessing to Strictly fans - it gives the show a bigger budget and they have high hopes of recruiting some big name stars (not that WAG Danielle quite falls into that category).
Here are the others supposedly on the 'wanted' list:
Victoria Beckham - please do it Victoria! Can't see it though - she'd be more likely to do the US version...
Amy Winehouse - really?!
Chelsea Clinton - she'll be a newly-wed so seems unlikely.
Monica Lewinsky - what is she doing now?!
Kimberley Walsh - quite possible, especially with Nadine dragging her heels over Girls Aloud's reunion. (Where IS your solo album, Nadine?)
Patsy Kensit - unemployed, separated, has time on her hands.
Lembit Opik - unemployed, like Gary, probably has a partner "who wants to raise her profile" - highly likely!
Yvonne and Ronan Keating's marriage over

Perhaps he can keep Brian McFadden company over there - last time Ronan was in Oz he and Bri went out on the lash together ending up in a tussle with Rihanna's security team...
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Vanessa Perroncel ends her silence

Celebritree is left wondering - if this was the affair that never was, then why:
has JT been stripped of his England captaincy?
did Toni Terry disappear off to Dubai for a big holiday?
has Wayne Bridge refused to speak to JT and resigned from England duty?
did neither Vanessa nor John appear to deny it publicly when the news came out?
Hmmm. Wonder why she's decided to speak out now. Is Wayne's child support not substantial enough to keep her in the manner to which she became accustomed?
Baby news

Across the Atlantic, Kelly Preston and John Travolta have also announced that they are expecting a third child. This good news must be most welcome after the tragic death of their eldest child, Jett, last year. The family have also had to deal with the recent sad deaths of their two dogs in an accident at an airfield. Thank goodness they have something to celebrate at last!
Alex Bourne,
John Travolta,
Kelly Preston,
Rachel Stevens
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Peter Andre's new fragrance

The latest fragrance to join this fiasco, is Conditional, by Peter Andre. Pete tells us in his latest column for New magazine, "I love the whole process I go through to design a fragrance, I find it so interesting. There is a lot of work that goes into making a product like this and to find the right scent that is personal to me. I hope the men like it as much as I do." Celebritree will of course be popping down to Boots to stock up for all the men she knows...
Shock! SJP in fashion disaster

It seems SJP is finding new motherhood much harder second time around - facing a hefty promotional schedule, whilst caring for an energetic 8 year old boy and twin baby girls seems to be taking it out of Celebritree favourite, SJP.
She was spotted out and about in New York, tired eyes hidden behind dark specs, in an extremely dodgy brown boob tube.
Celebritree would not expect SJP to be taking Britney as her latest fashion icon, but that top with no bra is definitely a mistake we hope she won't repeat...
Monday, 17 May 2010
Jack Tweed - back out on the town

Celebritree is not sure that Chanelle will be overjoye with these pics - though the two separated pretty quickly when they realised the paps were on their case.
Chanelle has been speaking out about what a gentleman Tweed is and how fond she is of him. Being demure, she has also told us all that she's not yet done the deed with Tweed as she thinks it would be vulgar to do so while she's pregnant with another man's child.
So looks like Jack might be looking elsewhere for his kicks...
Lily Allen - is she or isn't she?

Mel B bumps into Ex

Eddie Murphy,
Mel B,
Stephen Belafonte
Beckhams go shopping

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